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Leftist Attacks on People With Down Syndrome

I recently wrote [1] that leftists are utterly lacking in honor and common decency and will do anything in their pursuit of power.  Here’s the latest example:  Leftists in Wisconsin disrupted Governor Scott Walker’s address to the participants of Wisconsin’s Special Olympics by standing in front of them and blocking their view of the governor:

This is hardly the first time that leftists have targeted people with Down Syndrome. In April, the nationally prominent leftist blog Wonkette ran an article viciously attacking Trig Palin, Sarah Palin’s child who has Down Syndrome. I saved this gem in its entirety, including the equally hateful comments submitted by leftists from around the country, at my now-defunct personal blog, Ken’s Colloquium, and you can view it here [2]. Some illustrative gems:

Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.)

Here’s a nice little collage that Wonkette created of Trig:


After Sarah Palin posted a poem on her web site asking, “Oh, little boy what are you dreaming about,” Wonkette answered

What’s he dreaming about? Nothing. He’s retarded.

Wonkette’s article concludes with this gem:

Why just celebrate tax day today, April 18th? It’s also Trig Paxson Van Palin’s 3rd birthday. His mom went to a lot of trouble to leak amniotic fluid over 8 states to make sure that he arrived in this world somewhat alive . . . .

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the American left in all of their resplendent glory.