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Leftism: America’s Gravest Threat

QUESTION: Given that the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as conservative is more than double [1] the percentage who identify themselves as liberal, why do leftists win such a disproportionate number of elections and get such a disproportionate number of leftist policies enacted into law?

ANSWER: Conservatives focus their energies on winning the argument.  Leftists focus their energies on winning power.

This is an article about movement leftists, as distinguished from everyday liberals and Democrats.  Most liberals are good people who generally support American values of individual liberty and free enterprise but believe that government can play a role in helping people.  Most Democrat voters are those kinds of good American liberals.  I generally disagree with liberals but consider them to be political opponents and not enemies.  This article is not about them.

This article is about the movement leftists who are the enemy of freedom and individual liberty and who are the gravest threat to America today.  They will say and do anything to obtain and retain power over as many people as possible, whether honestly or dishonestly, legally or illegal, morally or immorally.  They don’t care about rules, about decency, or about honor.  They care about winning and keeping power over as many people as possible, and they never give up.

The most important thing to understand about leftists is that they are leftists first, and their leftism defines their identities and their lives.  They are leftist before they are Christian or Jewish, before they are black or Hispanic, and yes, before they are American.  Their mission to force as many people into their collective, voluntarily or involuntarily, is not the most important thing to them – It is the only thing that matters to them.  Everything they do is designed to further their mission, and they relentlessly pursue this mission with single-minded zeal.

  • [2]They are the Democrat congressional leaders, national journalists, union bosses, and university professors who use and abuse their positions to impose the leftist collectivist cause on us by any means available.
  • They are Obama, Pelosi, and Reid forcing ObamaCare down the throats of the American people by violating congressional rules and using hundreds of millions of dollars of public funds to bribe their own members – despite the fact that the people overwhelmingly opposed it.
  • They are Obama and his cabinet secretaries putting the interests of labor unions ahead of creating jobs in the worst economy in 70 years.
  • They are the national Democrats who never insist on moral and ethical conduct by their officials and who scheme to protect them when they are caught in illegal, immoral, and unethical acts.  (See, e.g., Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barney Frank, and Dianne Feinstein.)
  • They are the national Democrat and other leftist leaders who engage in the worst forms of hate speech against conservatives – and the leftist national news media who ignore or defend them.
  • They are the national news media giving a complete pass to corrupt misuses of public funds by Senator Feinstein but hounding a conservative Republican out of leadership for complimenting a legendary senator on his 100th birthday and deriding a conservative vice president for weeks for misspelling a word that was misspelled on a card that had been provided to him in a spelling bee.
  • They are the activists who protest in droves against wars when a conservative holds the presidency and then disappear when those wars rage on under a leftist president.
  • They are the leftist Democrat state legislators who leave a state rather than allowing the people to work their will through their elected representatives.
  • They are the professional demonstrators who flood into the state to riot at the Capitol in support of the cowardly legislators who fled.
  • They are the union bosses who physically assault average citizens who dare to ask tough questions of their elected representatives – and the leftist elected officials who dispatched those union thugs to do their bidding.
  • They are the justices of a state Supreme Court who ignore the election laws passed by the representatives of the people and make up different rules after the election when those justices don’t like the election results.
  • They are the leftists who post antisemitic comments on any web site that posts any article about Israel.
  • They are the bigots who work to ban the Jewish custom of circumcision in San Francisco by publishing comic books featuring a stereotypical Jewish mohel as the villain.
  • They are the leftist political leaders and journalists who blame acts of domestic terror on conservative politicians and talk radio hosts but ignore the decades-long friendship and alliance between a leftist presidential candidate and an unrepentant terrorist.
  • They are the Hollywood producers who blacklist any actor who dares utter a conservative view and inject their leftist propaganda into their movies.
  • They are the nanny-state dictators who ban toys with kids’ meals, trans-fats in restaurants, and smoking in outdoor parks.
  • They are the “environmentalists” who create a nonsensical myth that humans are causing “global warming” in order to try to scare people into adopting anticapitalist leftist-collectivist policies – and the leftist news media and political leaders who uncritically promote this agenda despite the fact that the Earth has actually cooled in each of the past 13 years.
  • They are the bigots who viciously attack any black American who dares leave the leftist plantation and think for himself.
  • They are the “scholars” and political leaders who advocate a theory of a “living” Constitution so as to render the Constitution meaningless and eliminate it as an obstacle to their collectivist agenda.

Despite the evidence in front of our faces every single day, conservatives fail to understand the danger that leftists pose.  They fail to understand how utterly Machiavellian leftists are in their tactics and that to leftists any behavior or tactic is justified as long as it advances the power of the leftist collective.

No, conservatives naively continue to try to win the argument.  They waste their time and energy defending Sarah Palin when she makes the embarrassing claim that Paul Revere’s ride was about warning the British not to take our guns – and then in a subsequent interview insists that she was right.  They reject a candidate for Senate who would have won, voted with the Republicans to organize the Senate, and voted with the Republicans 60% of the time, and instead nominate an absurd clown of a candidate who had no chance of winning (whose campaign began by running an ad insisting that she’s not a witch), thereby guaranteeing the election of a leftist who votes with the Republicans 0% of the time.

While conservatives continue to function as a debate club, leftists continue, day in and day out, to work tirelessly to usurp our liberties and make us wards of their collective.  While conservatives continue to maintain a naive belief that the battle is one of ideas, the leftists continue to ignore the debate and grab power by hook or by crook.

It is time for conservatives to pull our heads out of the sand and see the battle in front of us for what it is:  Normal human beings in a natural state of freedom fighting a leftist collective that will do whatever it takes to usurp our liberties and force us into their control.

With the stakes as high as they currently are, with the nation headed to fiscal collapse, with our freedoms under assault, with our position in the world weakened, conservatives no longer have the luxury of just being right on the issues.   We need to meet the leftists head-on with an ironclad determination to win.