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E.W. Jackson welcomes Austan Goolsbee’s departure from the Obama Administration

“I hope the resignation of Austan Goolsbee is a sign the Obama Administration is reconsidering its failed economic policies,” said U.S. Senate candidate E.W. Jacksion in a press release this evening.

“With unemployment standing at 9.1%, gas and food prices hitting record highs, and the standard of living of Americans in decline, it is safe to say our economy is in shambles. Far from providing leadership in this critical hour, President Obama, through his warped economic philosophy, has only perpetuated the problem.”

Jackson then uses the opportunity of the resignation to advocate the three policies that he would support as Virginia’s next U.S. Senator:

* Allow drilling off the U.S. Coast. It is an abomination that Americans are paying record high gas prices, yet are prohibited from utilizing their own God given resources.
* Reign in the EPA, National Labor Relations Board, and Federal Czars. Each of these agencies is driving up the cost of producing goods in the United States and ultimately, sending jobs overseas. The uncertainty surrounding their policies is encouraging job creators to sit on the sidelines.
* Make substantial cuts in the Federal Budget. Until the federal government is financially viable, the United States economy will not recover.