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Del. Abbott moving to run again

Obviously afraid of running in the district into which she was redistricted, Del. Robin Abbott announced she is going to be moving into the 93rd District to run.

Her campaign slogan could be “Re-elect me as I try to get my first bill passed”

She spent her entire first term serving her constituents so wonderfully that she never had a single bill become law. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

She makes Paula Miller look like Machiavelli!

She also has the noble distinction of being the most anti-business Delegate in the House, ranking absolutely last by Virginia Free, a pro-business organization that rates legislators on business issues.

89th out of 100 was her ranking on issues supporting the family, with a pro-family percentage of 15%!

If Democrats need Robin Abbott to move into the 93rd to win it, then the Democratic Party is in sorry, sorry shape.