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On the air with Matthew Vadum and Jim Bacon

On this podcast version of “The Score” radio show [1], we’re joined by Matthew Vadum, whose new book, “Subversion, Inc.” takes a close look at ACORN — the group that once thought both political parties were too conservative but in recent years has become a valuable cog in the Democratic machine. ACORN was supposed to have withered away, but as Matthew notes, it’s not only still with us, but more determined than ever.

Also on the show, Scott Lee and Virginia’s favorite policy wonk, Jim Bacon, have a friendly debate over the creaking gas tax and what might replace it. A miles driven tax, perhaps? Jim and Scott hash out the issue Virginia’s political class has ducked for a generation.

And Scott and I unleash a bit of political potpourri — from Phil Hamilton’s walk of shame, to the Senate races and more.

“The Score” can be heard on these [2]Virginia broadcast stations and online broadcast networks.