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Was Phil Hamilton case politically motivated?

Yeah, I know, he took a $40,000 a year job from a center funded by his budget amendment.

But did Democrats target Del. Phil Hamilton because they thought he broke the law, or were they only interested in his political destruction?

Makes me wonder what these Democrats were thinking. As reported in the Daily Press [1], peninsula Democrats seem much less interested in Hamilton being punished in the legal system than you’d think.

state Sen. John Miller, D-Newport News, said in Thursday’s paper that Hamilton has “already paid a very significant price.”

And Robin Abbott, the Democrat who ousted Hamilton in the last election, thinks his crimes aren’t that jail-worthy in light of Hamilton’s many “sacrifices for the people” over the past 21 years

The point columnist Tamara Dietrich was making is that these Democrats were howling for Hamilton’s hide while he was in office. But once they captured his Delegate seat, they suddenly reverted to their usual “soft on crime” selves.

As if losing political office is a worse punishment than prison?????

Think about that for a moment. How perverse and values-twisted must you be to think that ending a political career is a sentencing guideline? That’s an odd definition of “time already served.”

If Democrats were as honestly outraged by Hamilton’s action, they would support justice. Instead, it makes it look like all they wanted was a political victory.

Of course, the Party that freed Willie Horton can’t be expected to feel any differently about Phil Hamilton.

But it’s sad that Democrats feel no shame in ruining a man’s political career while driving him into bankruptcy for no greater goal than winning an election.