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Why Bob McDonnell will be on anyone’s short list for Vice President

By Jason Miyares

I disagree with the recent post by Mr. Falkenstein [1] downplaying McDonnell as a potential Vice-Presidential running mate in 2012. Bob McDonnell’s qualities, biographically, geographically, and legislatively, ensure that he will be on the short-list in the VP selection by whoever is the 2012 GOP nominee.

First rule of picking a VP running-mate? Do No Harm. [Exhibit A: Dan Quayle in 1988]

Second rule of picking a VP running-mate? Pick qualities that enhance the ticket on a regional or national basis.

Here are some of McDonnell’s qualities that make him an ideal 2012 running mate:

1) As Governor of Virginia, he is the chief executive of a state that the GOP must recapture if they are to regain the White House. It’s no secret that Virginia has gone from solid “red” to a true mid-Atlantic swing state in the last several years. Given that the Obama Re-election strategy considers Virginia one of their targeted states for re-election, this would place Virginia firmly in the GOP column on election night.

2) McDonnell is a telegenic candidate that possesses enormous message discipline. Few elected officials comes across as well on television, which cannot be discounted in an era dominated by wall-to-wall media coverage. He also demonstrated enormous message discipline in his 2009 race, which is vital in a presidential campaign.

3) Catholic and an Army Veteran. Two qualities that Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Donald Trump or most of the erstwhile GOP field do not possess. Not only does McDonnell help a running mate in swing-state Virginia, but also helps with the large Catholic voting-age populations in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio.

4) Unquestioned Conservative Credentials: Mitt Romney is extremely vulnerable over his own “health-care reform” in Massachusetts that possessed some parallels to Obamacare. What better way to assure the base than picking a running mate that signed legislation paving the way for Virginia to challenge the health care reform bill? The only reason Attorney General Cuccinelli had standing to bring the suit was Governor McDonnell signing legislation stating that Virginians would not be required to purchase government mandated health insurance.

5) Solid Record as Governor: In an era of $1.6 trillion federal budget deficits, Governor McDonnell was able to cut a multi-billion budget deficit without raising taxes. This is a powerful example of how Washington lacks the fiscal discipline demonstrated by many of our nation’s state governors. Furthermore, Virginia has a lower unemployment rate, higher economic growth and more economic investment than the national average. Our schools and quality of life is higher than the national average. By every measurable index, Virginia is an outstanding location to open a business and raise a family. There is a reason why he has over a 60% approval rating in the latest Washington Post Poll [2]. McDonnell’s “Virginia success story” is one that the rest of the nation should hear.

These are just a few of the qualities that would make Bob McDonnell an outstanding running mate in 2012, and election that will be dominated by economic and domestic issues. He likely will be asked, the question remains whether he will say yes.

Jason Miyares is a Virginia Beach-based attorney, and political consultant, he was the Campaign Manager and architect of Congressman Scott Rigell’s double-digit electoral defeat of Democratic-incumbent Glenn Nye in 2010. A former prosecutor, he is the veteran of numerous campaign and courtroom battles. Most of all, he is a proud Virginian and thanks God everyday he lives in the greatest state of the greatest nation in the history of the world.