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If you think the Economy is recovering, think again

Where’s the hope and change that was promised to Americans in 2008, when then candidate Barack Obama was campaigning for the Presidency? Now, the hope has dissolved, along with your change. Over the course of Obama’s term as President, we have seen unemployment numbers at an all time high, and the government continues to spend above and beyond its limits.

Despite unemployment and government spending, there are two additional factors that will prove the economy is in a downslide. Take for example, yesterday, an independent ratings agency, Weiss Ratings [1], indicated that the U.S. rating should be a ‘C’. According to Martin Weiss, President of Weiss Ratings, a ‘C’ Rating is comparable to a triple-B S&P rating. These ratings are justified by the massive debt burden and economic volatility.

The other factor that does not bode well for economic recovery is the decline of the dollar. According to a Reuters [2] report, the dollar fell to a three-year low due to the unemployment numbers.

The question remains: When will the federal government wake up and actually address the debt burden and unemployment? This is not recovery by any stretch of the imagination.