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Don’t like Trump? Blame Christie

Donald Trump is making waves in Republican circles as he explores a Presidential Run. He’s attacking Obama head-on in ways that most Republicans don’t dare. He’s got a bit of Reagan in him, with highpowered rhetoric, but delivered without the “fire and brimstone” tone that turns most voters off.

Trump has a page in his book that Romney, Huckabee, Pawlenty and everyone else hasn’t done well – He’s got a Class A communications style.

He says things most candidates won’t and things that make consultants cringe.

When asked about if he would’ve gone into Libya, he said this:

TRUMP: Somebody said, what would be your theory or what would you do in terms of Libya? I’d do one thing. Either I’d go in and take the oil or I don’t go in at all. We can’t be the policeman for the world.
CROWLEY: You’d just take their oil?
TRUMP: Absolutely. I’d take the oil. I’d give them plenty so they can live very happily. I would take the oil. You know, in the old days, Candy –
CROWLEY: Well, wait, we can’t go –
TRUMP: – Candy, Candy, in the old days, when you have a war and you win, that nation is yours.

What politician would say that?

To me, it sounds a lot like this:

The teacher responded by saying that she has a master’s degree and that her current salary isn’t compensating her for the value of her higher education as well as her experience.

To that, the governor responded: “Well, you know then that you don’t have to do it.”

That was New Jersey’s Chris Christie.

Trump’s tapping into something that would be Chris Christie’s base, the “tell it like it is” crowd. I think if Christie entered the race, Trump would be done. The two would lock horns, and Trump wouldn’t do well.

I think Trump can walk over most of the other candidates if he wants to.

Now, the birther thing.

51% of Republican primary voters [1] think Obama was born outside the United States. The leading candidate among those voters is Mike Huckabee.

Huckabee won the Iowa caucuses four years ago. Trump is likely a rockstar in a northern state like New Hampshire.

Trump is targeting Huckabee’s Iowa base with the only issue that he probably can, and if it works, he walks into “home turf” New Hampshire, folks known to like their straight talkers.

Winning Iowa and New Hampshire together could end the race, especially with Trump’s finances. I don’t see any current candidate that can stop that train. Romney got whupped by McCain. He’ll be breakfast for Trump.

Only Christie has the communications style to edge into Trump’s political oxygen. Without Christie in the race, Donald Trump has a real shot to coast into the nomination.