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The return of Jeff Frederick

A leaner, meaner, grittier Jeff Frederick? He’s back, and he’s got a PAC [1].

As you may recall, I’ve been taking a bit of a sabbatical from politics. However, with the 2011 elections here in Virginia fast approaching, the future of our Commonwealth is too important for me to stay on the sidelines.

That’s why I’m gearing up my political action committee, Virginia’s Future PAC, to work towards changing politics as usual in Virginia, starting with this year’s elections.

I hope you’ll join me in this critical effort.

For too long, the political establishment of both major political parties have put their relentless pursuit of power over the interests of the people they are called to represent.

And, with all 140 seats of the legislature on the ballot this November — as well as this being one of the first-in-the-nation post-redistricting elections — the stakes are high and the opportunity is ripe.

Yet, make no mistake, my PAC and I are not particularly concerned here in 2011 about which political party controls the legislature, rather, I’m committed to ensuring a majority of Members of the General Assembly are dedicated to less government, more individual liberty, and lower taxes — who reject the establishment’s agenda and who care less about positions and titles.

Americans and Virginians — young and old, Republican, and yes even Democratic alike — have had it with status quo politicians who are more interested in obtaining and preserving power than in strengthening our communities, Commonwealth, and country.
Virginia’s Future PAC is here to promote the right kind of change in leaders for Virginia.

But time is short — even more so given that new district lines have yet to be finalized.

Our mission is simple, clear, and uncompromising: to elect men and women who:

  • will go to Richmond to do something and not be somebody;
  • never forget who they work for (the people);
  • will rather take the right vote and get unelected than take the wrong vote and keep their job;
  • and most importantly, will keep their promises and stand firm for our shared conservative principles in shaping the Virginia our children and grandchildren will inherit.

It is imperative that we recruit, train, and support rock-solid young conservatives; build and promote an alternative to our existing Party institutions; and fully fund each and every deserving candidate who needs our financial support.

Thank you again for all the support and encouragement you’ve given me over the years. I hope you’ll join me in our effort to make a difference this year in the Old Dominion.


Jeff Frederick
Founder & Chairman
Virginia’s Future PAC

Frederick was once the chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, but was removed from office by the state committee two years ago.