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VPOD 113: Federal budget agreement; Interview – E.W. Jackson, GOP Senate Candidate

In this episode, we’re happy to introduce you to E.W. Jackson – the latest candidate to throw his hat into the ring for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. But I also talk about the final budget agreement of 2011.

Show notes:
When it is all said and done, legislators will say that $38.5 billion has been cut from the budget – which includes the $12 billion previously agreed to be cut from continuing resolutions. Unfortunately, $38.5 billion is a far cry from previous GOP spending cut proposals of $61 billion and $100 billion.

Who goes into a negotiation and comes out agreeing to give up at best 61% of what they went in asking for!

If anything, Republicans almost cost themselves politically by shutting down the government for what amounts to next to nothing.
If I were playing “budget chicken” with Democrats, I’d at least like to have it be over something worthwhile.

Logic dictates that you take risk when the consequences matter. In this recent debate, the federal economy is clearly in flames, but the political consequences of budget brinksmanship over such small numbers makes very little sense.

Make no mistake, the reason we’re here today is because Democrats completely abdicated their constitutional responsibility to produce a budget in 2010. By forcing CR after CR, and kicking the so-called can down the road, it is the Democrats who failed the American people.

In the end, this is, as Shaun Kenney wrote on Bearing Drift, a preliminary round. And while it appears Republicans gave up a lot of ground in this initial salvo, at least the President and Congress are now taking seriously what needs to happen in the next budget debate: cutting trillions.

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