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Radtke wants a direct answer from Allen on budget debate

Radtke challenges Allen regarding the budget. From a press release from her:

“Jamie Radtke has stated clearly, for the record, that she would have voted against the $38 billion compromise because it is inadequate, saying, “If the Washington establishment can’t agree to cut more than 1% of the budget when we have a $14-plus trillion debt that is destroying our economy, they’re not serious.”

“George Allen has refused to take a clear position on this question, and the people of Virginia and America have a right to know: Would George Allen have voted for or against the $38 billion compromise?

“A one-word answer will suffice.”

I’m not holding my breath on an Allen response. Nor am I sure I really expect one.

I do know that he wasn’t thrilled [1] with Friday’s outcome.

“…only in Washington would you pat yourself on the back for finishing a job six months late.

“…The fight to put our country back on the road to prosperity has not ended now that last year’s budget was finally passed. No, in fact the fight has just begun. To begin fixing Washington we need real solutions like a balanced budget amendment, presidential line item veto and a “paycheck penalty” that would withhold Members of Congress’ salaries if they don’t pass the budget on time. I can guarantee you that if Congress had not received a pay check since October 1st we would not be in this mess.

“Our country – and our children – cannot afford Washington’s unsustainable spending. We The People need real leaders, fighting for real reforms.”

We’re on the right track with cutting spending, but no one can seriously be satisfied with Friday’s outcome. I don’t see Allen as being satisfied in the above statement.

We’re not in an era of one-word answers; conservatism requires a judicious and smart approach to government, not the sloganeering and hyperbole we’ve been given by Democrats over the past several years.

We, as conservatives, need to be pulling in the same direction to get spending and the debt under control.