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Paul Ryan, squish?

[1]Now that I have your attention . . .

Amidst the whirl and rush over the FY11 budget and Paul Ryan’s FY12-and-out proposal, the Republican Study Committee released its own fiscal plan for the country (NRO [2]– The [2] Corner [3]). The RSC is one of the pre-Tea-Party era groups on the right-side of the House Republican Caucus.

Among other things, the RSC budget . . .

Now, neither Ryan’s plan nor the RSC one has a chance in the Senate, but it will be a lot easier, I think, to sell a plan that balances the budget in nine years than, at the least, twenty.

Moreover, although it hasn’t been an issue yet, the RSC’s point man on this – New Jersey’s Scott Garrett – voted against both TARP and Medicare Part D; whereas Ryan voted for both.

So maybe the post title makes sense after all . . .

Cross-posted to the right-wing liberal [5]