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Virginia is for Fish Lovers?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is well-known for its, um, creative protests highlighting the pain and suffering that humanity inflicts upon animals, but its most recent idea is quite possibly one of its most creative yet: sponsoring a rest stop.

PETA recently sent a letter to the Virginia Department of Transportation expressing its interest in answering Gov. BOb McDonnell’s call [1]for private-sector sponsorships for the Commonwealth’s rest stops.  On its face, sponsoring a rest stop might seem too mainstream for PETA, but since this is PETA, of course there’s a twist.  If VDOT approves PETA’s application, it plans to rename the rest stop on I-81 in Troutville the “Fishing Hurts Rest Area”.  Not only would the rest stop’s new management display exhibits on the pain fish endure while being caught, the management would also replace the snacks in the vending machines with healthy vegan options.  To get a better picture of how the new Fishing Hurts Rest Area might look, read the full letter PETA’s executive vice president sent VDOT (courtesy of the Roanoke Times [2]):

I am writing on behalf of Virginia-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and our more than 2 million members and supporters—including thousands across our home state—to inform you of PETA’s interest in sponsoring the Troutville Safety Rest Area and re-naming it the “Fishing Hurts” Rest Area.

Once upon a time, no one thought twice about fishing, but nowadays, given the research into fish sentience and their ability to feel pain, fishing can only be considered a blood sport that causes significant physical and psychological suffering. People who fish recreationally might be surprised to learn that the journal Fish and Fisheries cited more than 500 research papers on fish intelligence and concluded that fish are smart animals with sophisticated social structures. Perhaps it is because of awareness of this kind of information that a bill was introduced into the legislature establishing the “right” to fish, although legal scholars believe that law is unconstitutional. Fish have extremely sensitive mouths and lips that they use in much the same way that we use our fingers. Clearly, fish suffer when impaled with a metal hook and dragged into an environment in which they can’t breathe and are forced to gasp frantically. Dr. Donald Broom, scientific advisor to the British government, has said, “The scientific literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically, and biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and mammals.”

PETA’s “Fishing Hurts” Rest Area in Troutville would feature displays about fish intelligence, the pain caused by fishing, and the harm done to water birds and other aquatic life who become entangled in fishing line and ingest lost and discarded bobs and hooks. Our vending machines would dispense plush Sammy the Sea Kitten toys, which would teach children to have empathy for fish by comparing them to the kittens whom many of us are more familiar with. We would also consider stocking the vending machines with delicious vegan faux-fish sticks (made of healthy plant protein and spices) and other healthy fish-free snacks.

Allowing us to rename the Troutville facility the “Fishing Hurts” Rest Area would send a clear message that all violence is unacceptable, even when it is directed at those who are different from us. Would the Department of Transportation consider a reduced nonprofit rate for the annual rights fee required to sponsor a rest stop? . . . Thank you for your consideration.


Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President


After driving along Interstate 81 for miles craving a bag of potato chips only to find “vegan faux-fish sticks” in the rest stop vending machine, many Virginians might wish this rest stop simply had remained closed.