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So, now the government wants to delay on healthcare?

The same administration that had a Christmas Eve vote on cloture in the Senate in 2009 regarding healthcare and couldn’t wait to get the bill passed in 2010 – let alone give legislators time to read the bill (“We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it”) – wants to slow down the judicial process in having the bill’s constitutionality challenged.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s appeal to have the hearing fast-track to the U.S. Supreme Court, effectively bypassing the 4th District Appeals Court, is being opposed by the administration [1].

“Especially given the court of appeals’ imminent consideration of this case, there is no basis for short-circuiting the normal course of appellate review,” according to the brief, filed with the high court on behalf of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Cuccinelli’s case is scheduled to be heard May 10 by the 4th District.