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On the Radio with Paul Jacob and Iain Murray

On this edition of “The Score” radio show [1], we talk with Paul Jacob, president of Citizens in Charge [2], about a topic near and dear to my heart — initiative and referendum. Virginia lacks an initiative process and the last time referenda were mentioned was during the bygone days of Jerry Kilgore’s gubernatorial campaign, when Mr. Kilgore proposed placing tax hikes before the voters for their approval. Then-Lt. Gov. Tim Kaine and his acolytes were unamused…even though they had been great friends of the regional tax referenda that were defeated in 2002.

We also talk with Iain Murray, vice-president for strategy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute [3] regarding the lucrative opportunities awaiting those who climb aboard the “Big Green” gravy train [4].

“The Score” airs on weekends on WLEE in Richmond, WLNI in Lynchburg and WMBG in Williamsburg. And this weekend’s show features our newest regular, BD’s own Jim Hoeft.