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Wisconsin GOP gets it done on collective bargaining bill

As you’re likely aware by now, the GOP majority in Wisconsin outmaneuvered [1] the Dem “Gang of 14” (still hiding out in Illinois following a string of state treasury robberies all across the Old West) yesterday by splitting the controversial “collective bargaining” measures from the state funding bill and then passing the measure through means not requiring a quorum.

Now Jesse James and the rest of the minority party is crying ‘foul,’ claiming the GOP majority violated procedures to get the measure passed. It doesn’t seem that any rules were actually violated, though, and appropriate notifications happened in accordance with the rules.

Undeterred, Dems from sea to shining sea along with their Union Alliance are streaming to the Cheddar State to force recall elections. Residents of Wisconsin, don’t despair. The rest of the country wouldn’t mind someone with Walker’s stones at the national level…”Walker 2012!”

Virginia stands in sharp contrast. Dems in the Virginia State Senate stymied GOP bills at every turn. Bills were killed in sub-committee routinely and not given a “fair hearing” at the committee-level – in clear violation of Senate traditions.

So, in Wisconsin, Senate Dems call the GOP majority unreasonable, and violating Democracy when they follow the rules and traditions. The Dem majority in the Virginia Senate consider the rules whatever they say they are. At least “some animals being more equal than others” is consistent within Dem-landia.