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More Unemployment – National Public Radio lefty resigns

It’s about time she hit the unemployment lines.

National Public Radio CEO Vivian Schiller (aptly named) resigned in the wake of more NPR anti-conservative comments, this time about calling the Tea Party “racist.”

The Tea Party is racist? What was it called when Schiller, who is white, went on an tirade on Juan Williams about how he needs a psychiatrist because he’s not a liberal?

If the Tea Party criticized Juan Williams, what would the NPR report say it was?

Don’t you love questions where the answer is obvious?

So, she (…ahem….) quit (…ahem….) voluntarily….

“I did not want to leave NPR. There’s a lot of pressure on NPR right now,” said Schiller. (AP [1])

A lot of pressure? To do what? Report the news without bias? To actually be self-sufficient without relying on the taxpayers to fund your salary, which reports have estimated to float around the HALF-MILLION dollar range?

Oh, boo hoo!

Welcome to the world, Viv!

As I wrote in Bearing Drift here [2]and here [3], you should’ve been an Obama unemployment statistic long before now.

Just think…if NPR had read Bearing Drift months ago, they might’ve saved themselves a touch of credibility.

Now, more than ever, people are realizing that government shouldn’t be the purveyor of news.