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Is Left-Wing Violence Merely Goading Republicans?

You guys ready for the craziest of the crazy?

J.C. Wilmore is a fairly well known bombast blogger from the Richmond area… and let me tell you, he has an opinion on Republicans this morning, in what started out as a fairly friendly give-and-take with Terry Rea over at the always awesome Slant Blog [1]:


Let me give you the zoom in, just to show you how extra special crazy this fella is:


Let’s be clear about this.  We’re talking about one of the mainstream bloggers in Virginia… who seriously believes this.


I kid you not.

Of course, this is nothing new for the right.  Accused of violence, that only makes actions such as these permissible from union Sturmabteilung:

And rhetoric such as this foaming-at-the-mouth socialist, perfectly OK:

So here’s the meme:  Republicans are violent.  All Republicans, not just a handful.  Ergo, that makes it perfectly OK to throw people around, punch, harass, bruise, and otherwise harass Republicans.  Don’t use baseball bats (as the gentleman above is clear — that’s violence — just throwing punches isn’t violent behavior), because deep down, Republicans really want to use their guns on you.

Is this the nonsense the mainstream left is convincing themselves of?

And more seriously, when are the voices within the left going to start actively, vocally condemning this sort of behavior?

I can tell you what’s going to happen.  Eventually, union thugs are going to push things too far.  They are going to beat the hell out of someone, and that will convince others to protect themselves.  Which fits nicely into the meme… but will become –as they intend it should — a self fulfilling prophecy.

The left has done a remarkable job at getting the right to condemn violence.  It’s time for this to be done in turn.  Should it not be done, then I readily assert that violence is what the mainstream left wants.  Let’s face it — it’s been in the DNA of ’60s radicals since the Vietnam War era.  Remember this?


That’s who’s telling us that Republicans are the violent ones.  Sound like a civil society to you?  Or threatening speech?

So which is true?  Is J.C. Wilmore right?  Or are there voices on the left who are willing to unambiguously condemn this sort of behavior in a consistent and clear manner — without equivocation or hesitancy?