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Dear Democrats: PLEASE Nominate Doug Wilder

[1]I’m afraid, as passionate and well-informed as they are I must disagree with my fellow BD bloggers who call for the Democrats to nominate Rick Boucher [2], Terry McAuliffe [3], Krystal Ball [4], Tom Perriello [5]or Tim Kaine [6].

It is time for the Democrats to nominate Former Governor and Former Richmond Mayor L. Douglas Wilder. And not just because he probably already has a drawer full of “Wilder for Senate” stickers from his aborted 1994 challenge to Chuck Robb for this very same seat. And not even because we have a drawer full of “Nobody’s Wilder than Doug” stickers that we keep around for occasions such as this.

The reality is that, of all the Democrats out there pretendinng to be fiscal conservatives (*cough* Warner *cough* Kaine *cough* Webb *cough*), Wilder actually was the only Democrat in 40 years to serve as Governor of VA without asking for a tax hike. He managed to clean up the budget mess left by “Transportation Governor” Gerry Baliles without a tax increase.

But here’s the best part. Nobody, we repeat nobody, is better at ticking off his fellow Democrats than Doug Wilder. And that is a thing of beauty.

Plus, dude’s got a scary website [7]already in place. Stop staring at me Doug!