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How can anyone in Northern Virginia vote against transportation funding?

[1]There is no bigger quality of life issue for those of us who live in Northern Virginia than transportation.  I cannot begin to quantify the number of hours, gallons of gas, and missed moments with family that our region’s transportation nightmare has cost me since I moved out here years ago, and I’m certain that the same is true for you.  In my opinion transportation is as big an issue, if not bigger, than education or public safety for our region. It affects everything we do and has a demonstrable daily impact on our lives.

That’s why I have been an early and vocal supporter [2]of Governor McDonnell’s transportation plan, where the state would finance a $4 billion investment in transportation – an investment that includes funding to widen I-66.  This is absolutely critical to our region’s continued economic growth and to improving the quality of life for all of us who are dependent on I-66 to get us to work, school and back home every day.  Regardless of whatever concerns some may have about how the money will be funded, those issues are secondary to the needs of our region.

This is why I can’t believe that the entire Democratic delegation from Northern Virginia voted AGAINST [3] spending this money for transportation.  I am especially saddened to see my own Delegate, Mark Keam, who has been willing to cross party lines in the past, vote against this bill.  Not a single Democrat in the House of Delegates from Northern Virginia voted for the Governor’s transportation plan.

What is especially odd is that in the State Senate, nearly every Northern Virginia Senator got it right [4] – only Mary Margaret Whipple voted against the Governor’s plan. Dave Marsden, Janet Howell, Mark Herring, Chuck Colgan, Chap Petersen, George Barker, Toddy Puller, Patsy Ticer and even Democratic Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, voted in favor.  Only 4 Democrats and 1 Republican in the Senate voted against the Governor’s Plan.

This is one of the most mind blowing votes I’ve seen out of the Democrats in the House of Delegates.  It is unfathomable to me how anyone in Northern Virginia, regardless of party, can vote against transportation funding for any reason.  These issues are just too critical to our region, one that is plagued with some of the worst traffic in the country.  There is simply no excuse for voting against these bills.

The worst part is that politically, voting against this bill makes no sense either.  Clearly, even if only Republicans were voting in favor, this bill would have passed the House anyway. Voting against it makes no sense. If the bill is going to pass anyway, might as well join the winning side and take advantage of the benefit of the funding.  The only folks, as far as I can see, who are upset with this bill are people who believe we can’t service the debt – and those are mainly far right conservatives who don’t live in Northern Virginia and who are against any debt of any kind and a few Democrats who will attack anything the Governor does on general principle.

I know that the Democrats have been pushing for gas tax increases as a solution to the transportation funding problems we face, a move that I and most Virginians oppose. This bill doesn’t include an increase, and you aren’t likely to see one as long as there’s a Republican in the Executive Mansion. That’s absolutely no excuse for failing to support the largest and most meaningful transportation spending bill in years – one that will make a big difference in the lives of those of us in Northern Virginia.  The Democrats in the House got it completely wrong here.

This vote needs to have political ramifications for these Democrats in November. If you can’t get it right on something that should be a no brainer for anyone in our area, I have to seriously question your judgment on issues that aren’t nearly as important.