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Three Counties in Occupied Virginia to Come Home?


Freshman Republican Delegate Larry Krump wants to hold a non-binding referendum on whether the three counties of Berkley, Jefferson, and Morgan Counties would like to return to the Commonwealth [2]:

The bill introduced by freshman Delegate Larry Kump seeks to ask voters whether they want to become part of neighboring Virginia.

Stressing its nonbinding nature, the Berkeley County Republican said the measure would provide “some advice and consent on this issue.” He cited West Virginia’s poor showing in economic rankings.

“Our government is so centralized and so oppressive on economic growth, it affects everybody,” said Kump, 62. “In the Eastern Panhandle, we’re saying, ‘Let our people go to find prosperity.”’

…and welcome back.

Of course, there are some whose livelihoods depend on Occupied Virginia government who really don’t want to see the change, like this bureaucrat here:

The Associated Press sought comment from the presidents of those counties’ commissions. Morgan County Commission President Stacy Dugan responded Friday, with incredulity.

“I can’t believe that’s been introduced,” said Dugan, a Democrat. “I think the people of the Eastern Panhandle are true-blue West Virginians, and they’re not going to want to go anywhere. We are Mountaineers all the way.”

Translation: I might lose my job, which might decentralize the government and help spur economic growth.

Virginia is the best place to do business, with the best post-secondary education system in the country, low taxes, and a right-to-work law that helps promote and protect small businesses.

For the Old Dominion, there is always an extended hand to our fellow Virginians living under a government completely alien to their forefathers.  Sic Semper Tyrannis applies to invasive government as well.

To the citizens of Berkley, Jefferson, and Morgan Counties — come back home.  Virginia will welcome you with open arms.