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Politico: George Allen to announce Monday

Politico reports that George Allen, former governor and senator, will be announcing his bid for U.S. Senate on Monday [1].

In another sign an announcement is imminent, on Sunday evening, the homepage of Allen’s website read simply: “Stay Tuned.”

One top Virginia political operative said Allen’s rollout Monday is mostly designed to meet requirements of the Federal Election Commission, so he can begin organizing and fundraising.

“He’s going to file his paperwork, and it’s not exploratory. He’s in. This allows him to start raising money, it allows him to start putting the physical political pieces in place,” said the operative, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

“He is the target in the race for both Republicans and Democrats, so what do you gain from sitting on the sidelines?”

But two sources also stressed that Monday would not look like a formal kickoff. Beyond the message to supporters and a press release to the media, Allen will not be doing much publicly.

The rollout will be minor and muted, with a major rollout involving press and stopovers indicated for later in the year.

It’s worth noting that while Jamie Radtke announced her intentions earlier this year, she has not formally tossed her hat in the ring.  Other rumored candidates are Prince William Delegate Bob Marshall, current Prince William County Chairman Corey Stewart, and former Brigadier General and 2nd District GOP primary candidate Bert Mizusawa.

Other candidates have been rumored to be in the running but have not made any overtures.  Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli — earlier rumored to be interested — has signaled he will not seek the nomination in 2012.