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Lynchburg Legislators Key to McDonnell Agenda

In a recent article [1] the Lynchburg News and Advancedetails the specific areas of the McDonnell agenda that are currently being championed by Lynchburg area legislators.

Senator Steve Newman will be sponsoring some of the Governor’s technology initiatives. In the article Newman points to the positive effect that it will likely have on areas of the Southside that have been devastated by high unemployment for close to a decade.

Meanwhile, Delegate Scott Garrett, who won election in 2009 by a very narrow margian, will be sponsoring six of the Governor’s bills, some of which are designed to streamline government operations.

Delegates Ben Cline and Kathy Byron are also sponsoring significant legislative items. Delegate Cline is sponsoring legislation to encourage business research and development through tax credits. Delegate Byron is sponsoring a bill which would incentivize companies which create products that utilize nuclear and/or renewable energy.

The Independent Delegate Lacey Putney has been asked to sponsor the Governor’s controversial state employee pension plan, which would have state employees pay into their own pensions. 

The Lynchburg area legislators seem to work well together and this is not the first year that this largely Republican delegation has been instrumental in championing key policy proposals.    

The various economic proposals that they are championing stands in stark contrast to the tax and spend policies that the Commonwealth’s Democratic leaders are stubbornly clinging to as pointed out in a recent post [2]by D.J Spiker.