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Vulnerable Dem Delegate Derides Right-to-Work as ‘Trash’

Today in the House of Delegates in the House Privileges and Elections committee, a measure to include the term ‘right-to-work’ in the constitution passed in a largely partisan vote, unsurprisingly.

However, surprisingly, the 2nd district Delegate, Clarence ‘Bud’ Phillips, decried the measure. In doing so, he was quoted:

“I don’t believe we ought to trash the Constitution by putting this in there,” Phillips said.

Unfortunately for Bud, his constituents and the vast majority of Virginians don’t think a right to work clause is trash. They value that clause, as now-Governor Bob McDonnell including right-to-work as one the planks in his gubernatorial platform.

Taking a look at the results in Bud’s district back in 200 [1]9, Bob McDonnell won every county and city fairly handily, meaning that Bud is pretty vulnerable to a Republican challenger in 2011 or 2013.

Wise up Bud.