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Your Friendly RPV

Now it’s not always cats and dogs at Capitol Square.  Your friendly RPV — always aware that even Democrats have good ideas from time to time — is making it easy for them to shed their “party of no ideas” image.

In fact, Chairman Mullins took the time to personally write to each and every Democratic lawmaker:

I’m writing to you today to invite you to share your plan with us. Transportation is a big problem, and there’s no room for “inside the box” thinking. If you have an idea, we want to hear it. Ideas are the engines that make our country and Commonwealth move. Governor McDonnell has repeatedly asked you and other Democrats for their ideas to fix transportation, but thus far there has been no response. And that’s understandable. I can imagine the partisan peer pressure that you and your colleagues have faced, discouraging you from crossing the aisle. The first step is always the hardest.

So, if for some reason you feel uncomfortable reaching out to the Governor, just drop by our Headquarters on Grace Street. You don’t even have to come in the front door. We’re putting a drop box in the atrium. Just open the door, and drop your plan. Any format you like.

The thoughtful letter even came with these:

[1]We’ll see whether either Virginia Democrats are willing to do anything but cuss the problem.