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Liberal media rigs poll for Rangel

This is what irks me about newspapers.

Big story about Congressman Charlie Rangel whining about an upcoming censure resolution. Honestly, he’s lucky he’s allowed to stay in Congress. But he’s whining.

So the New York Daily News [1] has an online poll. Look at your choices:

Take our Poll
Ruling on Rangel

Do you think Rangel is guilty of ethics violations?
A. Absolutely not, and his reelection in spite of this proves his quality as a leader.
B. Maybe a couple of the charges, but not all of them by any means.
C. Definitely, all politicians are corrupt.
D. I’m not sure.

Really????? Those are my options. If I think he’s guilty, it MUST be because I think EVERY politician is corrupt??? It can’t be because I simply think HE is corrupt.

Two of the choices say he’s innocent of most or all charges. So my choices are he’s mostly innocent, or every politician in the world is corrupt.

Where’s the choice of “I think he’s guilty of his charges”?

Really, this is why I laugh when people in the newspaper industry claim to be free of bias. This poll is in the News section.

It’s why I’ll never stop pointing out what a laughing stock that claim is.