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Illegal immigration is still illegal: An intellectually honest argument

Despite the rhetoric of many liberals and some conservatives-in-name-only, the fact of the matter is that illegal immigration is fundamentally wrong. As much as the leftists would have you believe that this battle is based on some inherent racist belief, it is actually about fairness and the fact that we live in a nation guided by laws and principles. To stray from those principles will result in our country ceasing to exist and real conservatives must fight such a transgression with every fiber of our being.

As far as Corey Stewart is concerned you can attack his immigration policies all you want, just arm yourself with facts instead of insults. I find it ironic that most of the criticism comes from people who have no connections whatsoever to Prince William County. I lived there for almost my entire life, my family still lives there, and I live a stones throw away now in Fairfax. Since the Stewart policies have been law crime has gone down, school enrollment and other need for County services precipitously dropped thus easing the tax burden of paying for illegal aliens, and Americans are being paid decent wages to do the jobs illegals used to do for below minimum wage.

And how did they do it? When someone is suspected of committing a crime they are asked to provide identification, just like any white, black, red, yellow, or brown suspect would have to do. If you can’t produce identification further research is done to inquire on your residential status. Illegal aliens are turned over to ICE.

The opposition to these procedures makes it sound like Corey Stewart is banging down the door of Prince William citizens and randomly arresting Hispanics. Some have even likened them to Stalinistic tactics. Such arguments are intellectually dishonest.

Yes, most illegal aliens come here to make a living and provide for their family. I sympathize for them but I have more sympathy for those who apply to be citizens by going through the legal process. Why should they suffer because of lawbreakers? And when you don’t know who is coming into this country you get the bad with the good. Terrorists and criminals enter this country at will. To leave such a system unregulated is a serious risk to our national security.

Quite frankly I’m tired of no-nothing leftists screaming raacccciiissssmm every time conservatives dare to challenge their positions. It’s a classless tactic perpetrated by an even more classless group of people. To declare your opposition as racists without a shred of proof is not only illogical but it’s downright dishonorable.

Its one thing to have a legitimate policy disagreement, but it’s quite another to propagandize your opponent. Such tactics equate to a societal tantrum devoid of any moral character.

I don’t fancy that the left will ever cease these shameful tactics. I do however think conservatives need to do more to challenge them when confronted with this strategy.

After all, isn’t it ironic that the left assumes when a conversation on illegal immigration takes place we without a doubt must be referring to Hispanics? Why do they insist on labeling all illegal aliens as Hispanic? I won’t go as far as stooping to their level and accuse them of being racists but they are certainly stereotyping.

Of course, I wouldn’t suspect anything less from those who lack honor.