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Chuck Smith claims the GOP has done nothing for his campaign. Say what?

OK. This is just a little bit hard to believe. From Roll Call [1]:

Smith’s campaign manager, Lisa Creeden, said she wishes her boss could count on the party’s help; no Republican has held Virginia’s 3rd district in 18 years.

“I think the Republican Party is going to damage themselves with the African-American community,” Creeden said. “I understand part of it is they are focused on races they can win easily, but our point is we couldn’t necessarily win this easily, but we can still win it. The effort to reach out to the African-American community will pay out in future elections.

“If they drop the ball now, they will have to start all over again,” she added.


She added that the GOP has created challenges for Smith, including pulling the campaign’s access to a voter vault earlier this year.

“We have repeatedly asked them for support,” Creeden said. “It would have been nice if we could have counted on the Republican Party to deliver the voters.”

Short of the fact that Smith is from the 2nd District, dropped out of that Republican nomination fight, endorsed Scott Rigell only to publicly contemplate getting back into the race for weeks and only then to carpetbag into the 3rd where the District GOP Committee cleared a path for him to get the nomination, I guess the Republican Party has done nothing for Smith.

This is just a case of sour grapes – and disappointing at that. A source close to the campaign relayed to Bearing Drift that Republicans and party officials did the following for the Smith Campaign:

•July 24th Gov. George Allen does BBQ fundraiser at Varina Landing organized by the 3rd District Chairman Mike Wade and his team.
•Aug 24rd LT Gov. Boiling and LT Gov. John Hagger Fundraiser at Jasmine Planation organized by Jane Ladd, Julie Coggsdale and the New Kent Republican Committee.
•RNC Chairman Michael Steele does a fundraiser and a Voter rally with Fire Pelosi Bus.
•Norfolk Ladies Republican party hosts fundraiser (PIG PICKIN) for Chuck. They organize the entire event.
•Multiple outstanding events organized by Charles City Republican Committee on behalf of Chuck Smith.
•Gov. McDonnell does Breakfast fundraiser, also organized by Julie.
•Cash contributions from the 3rd and 7th district Republican Committee.
•3 web videos and a least 1 radio ad produced.
•Assistance with construction of multiple media ads throughout this district.
•Reconstruction of the 3rd district Website to feature the Chuck Smith campaign.
•10 cellphones provided by Victory, for pastoral community in Richmond to contact the targeted list supplied from voter vault upon request. A violation of the user agreement is the reason the campaign longer had independent access.
•5,000 yard signs for precincts’ bought by the 3rd District Chairman and committee.

What more does Smith expect?

The problem with Smith, is that Republicans expected exactly this kind of petulant behavior from him.

Mr. Smith, you are unfortunately, but most definitely, not going to Washington.