VPOD 99: Interview with Glenn Nye; Cuccinelli on healthcare; our take on the Bartholomew email

This is a jam packed podcast.

In this episode we interview Congressman Glenn Nye (D-VA02), hear from Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli over the latest in the healthcare legal battle, discuss the latest congressional fundraising numbers, the validity of debating independents, and provide our take on the email forwarded by former Republican Party of Virginia Beach Chairman David Bartholomew.

For the Nye interview, we discuss energizing “Progressives”, voting for Speaker Pelosi, exploring for natural gas and oil off the coast now, coal and nuclear power development, the debt and spending, and the status of Joint Forces Command and aircraft carriers in Hampton Roads.

Special thanks to Rick Jensen for the new intro!


If you want more from the AG, check out this video:

AG Cuccinelli health care hearing news conference 10-18-10 from OAG on Vimeo.

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