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Yikes! VFW to shut down its own PAC


Yet another sign of a Dempocalypse – albeit one from waaaaay out of the blue.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars [2] is so upset at its PAC endorsing less-than-hawkish Democrats that its comander-in-chief (Richard Eubank) is “withdrawing all PAC appointments” and is moving to have the PAC dissolved at the next VFW convention (via NRO – The Corner [3]). Here’s the meat of Eubank’s statement:

It is now evident to most of the VFW leadership, both National and especially the departments, that the VFW has been subjected to extreme negative publicity throughout the nation, and the recent endorsement decisions have, in fact, harmed the VFW’s reputation and future ability to fulfill our mission.

I cannot let this erosion of public support for our great organization continue. The apparent lack of the committee to address these concerns will lead to a proposal by me, as Commander-in-Chief, to amend the by-laws at the 112th National Convention for the purpose of dissolving the PAC.

All the vulnerable local Democrats (Nye, Connally, Boucher, and Perriello) are waylaid by this. Any “supported by veterans” mailers or ads they have in the pipeline might as well be (figuratively) pipe-bombs now.

VFW-PAC basically went into incumbent protection mode this year. That the Democrats on the list garnered this much anger within the membership (especially in an election where military and foriegn policy issues were on the backburner) is a sure sign a GOP “wave” is building.

Cross-posted to RWL [4]