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David Bartholomew and the disappointing email

[1]We saw the Blue Virginia [2] post early this afternoon, and the subsequent statements by Congressman Glenn Nye and Scott Rigell over the patently racist email fowarded in very bad taste by Virginia Beach Republican Party Chairman David Bartholomew.

Both Nye and Rigell have called on Bartholomew to resign. Rigell said:

“The email sent by Republican Party of Virginia Beach Chairman David Bartholomew is reprehensible. It stands in stark contrast to the core values of the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, and my personal belief in a colorblind society. I call upon Mr. Bartholomew to immediately resign his position as Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia Beach.”

In our podcast tonight (recorded around 6 p.m.), which will be posted in a few minutes, Shaun and I offer our commentary on the subject.

In the interim, if you’d like to use this as an open thread…be my guest.