Perriello Gets Aggressive Towards Hurt in VA-05 Debate

WSLS just finished a 30-minute segment that left many folks scratching their heads and wondering whether anyone really got to know the two candidates.

One thing’s for sure — Hurt was uncomfortable with the tone and pace, and Perriello was nothing short of aggressive and direct.  For most of the debate, Perriello commanded, but was not poised or assertive — just plain ol’ aggressive.

Favorite moment of the debate?  When Perriello asked Hurt if he had read the ObamaCare bill.  Hurt stuttered no, but all I could think about is whether or not Perriello read the bill before he voted on it!  (answer: probably not)

I scorecard the debate a tie.  But if one understands that you never win a debate, but only look not to lose one, then Perriello came out a bit bruised by his own aggressive style — one that flew in the face of the calm, moderating independent he has so assiduously maintained over the last few months.

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