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A Spending Revolt in Virginia Beach

Attacking a mountain of debt is no small feat, especially when that mountain is $13.5 trillion and growing, with a trillion added in the last six months. Federal Spending is almost 25% of our economy with a deficit of 10% of GDP.

What to do?


That’s what the folks at Spending Revolt are doing as they crisscross Virginia these few days.


They’ve been traveling state to state or two months now, carrying their message of fiscal discipline. They were in Virginia Beach Thursday, just in from North Carolina. Their Virginia itinerary lists Danville, Martinsville, Bristol, Floyd, Richmond, Fairfax and others.


The bus was covered with signatures of supporters added along the way.

Virginia Beach Councilman Bill DeSteph was at the Virginia Beach stop and minced no words when it came to government spending.

“It’s time we go back to the core roles and responsibilities of government: Safety and security of our citizens, education, and infrastructure and cut the size, scope and cost of government,” said DeSteph.

You can learn more about the tour and the revolt at www.spendingrevolt.com [3]