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McDonnell’s VDOT audit uncovers hundreds of millions of dollars for transportation

In 2008, Gov. Tim Kaine called a special session of the Virginia General Assembly to deal with the “crisis” of transportation.

That day, Bearing Drift traveled to Richmond to cover the session, but we also had the chance to sit down with then Attorney General Bob McDonnell to discuss his idea of a VDOT audit to find some monies to fund transportation. In just over a minute, here’s what McDonnell said then:


Of course, that idea was summarily dismissed by liberals, including then part-time governor, full-time Obama campaigner Tim Kaine who said: [1] “It’s an excuse for those who don’t want to do anything.”

But following his election, taking immediate action as Virginia’s chief executive, McDonnell made the audit happen.

Today, that audit has found over a billion dollars in unspent money [2] for maintenance and construction in transportation. According to sources, the audit will result in over $1.4 billion more going to transportation than was planned or programmed, including $614 million this fiscal year. It also found $877 million in transportation funds left unspent over the past two fiscal years – at a time when the previous administration closed 19 rest stops, endangering motorists and causing unnecessary inconvenience.

Kaine and the Democrats owe McDonnell and the Virginia taxpayer an apology for gross negligence.

But, moving forward, it’s smart, conservative government that is setting the groundwork for a true, comprehensive solution to Virginia’s transportation network.

Kudos to Governor McDonnell for his vision and standing up for practical, commonsense, conservative solutions.