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Del. Onzlee Ware Eyes Statewide Office

With 2010 developing into a disastrous year for Democrats, it is little wonder that some forward-thinking Democrats are already looking ahead to the next election cycle—one in which the political environment might be more favorable for their party. One Roanoke Democrat, however, is not only looking beyond this year’s election, he is looking ahead to 2013’s statewide races.

Del. Onzlee Ware [1], a Roanoke attorney and former member of the Commonwealth Transportation Board, has represented the 11th District (parts of Roanoke city and county) in the House of Delegates since 2004. By 2013, having served in the House for nearly a decade, Del. Ware believes the time might be right for him to pursue a bid for either lieutenant governor or attorney general. According to the Roanoke Times [2], Del. Ware is not just thinking about a run, he is embarking on a tour of the Shenandoah Valley and northern Virginia to introduce himself to his fellow Democrats. Between January 1 and June 30, Del. Ware’s filings to the State Board of Elections indicate that he has spent approximately $ 7,775 in campaign funds on his exploratory tour, mostly for stays at a posh Clarke County bed-and-breakfast and at the Tysons Corner Ritz-Carlton.

While the pundits at the Roanoke Times’ political blog Blue Ridge Caucus believe Del. Ware could be a formidable candidate [3] for the Democrats—and his experience with transportation and education issues could be very enticing for Democrats, especially if Gov. McDonnell’s transportation and education reform programs do not gain traction in the General Assembly—one must question the wisdom of introducing yourself to voters as a possible standard-bearer for the party of the “common man” while staying at the Ritz-Carlton during the seemingly interminable recession. Nonetheless, as the Blue Ridge Caucus notes, an African-American who represents a majority-white legislative district in southwestern Virginia (granted, this is a Democratic district, having been represented for decades by Del. Chip Woodrum) has a biography and skill set that could help the Democratic ticket to be competitive downstate. (There again, did the pundits not argue that nominating Creigh Deeds would also allow the Democrats to compete downstate?) Del. Ware comes across as a serious legislator, neither a firebrand nor a publicity-seeker, who cares about the concerns of his constituents. Could a little-known, low-key delegate from sparsely populated southwestern Virginia pose a serious challenge to Attorney General Cuccinelli? Would a possible Ward Armstrong candidacy derail Del. Ware’s plans? Only time will tell.