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8th District Civic Federation Debate

The official election season was kicked off last night in Arlington with the annual Civic Federation Candidates Night. For Arlington County Board, Republican Mark Kelly attacked 14 year incumbent Democrat Chris Zimmerman [1], who also moonlights on the Metro board, about the deteriorating conditions on the metro that have led to delays and deaths in recent years. A very polished Zimmerman generally rode the wave of high ratings Arlington receives from various groups and was unapologetic about the money wasted on lawsuits and trolleys.

The congressional candidates were much more feisty. Republican Patrick Murray came out swinging in his opening remarks asking Jim Moran “what planet” he was on by telling Hardball’s Chris Matthews that the economy has recovered. Moran responded that he was not trying to be universally liked and that he had achieved that. Moran went on to brag about how he controls $40-50B on House Appropriations committee and other involvement in groups for animal rights. The questions asked in the debate were weak overall but here is my recap:

Question 1: Directed at Moran, was it ethical to send out a very expensive mailer to all the constituents using tax payer money in an election year. A little background, 8th district voters received a booklet in the mail outlining several policies (i.e. healthcare, BP oil spill, etc)

Moran: The mailer cost taxpayers $100K, not the $1M that Murray has been telling folks, and that his staff actually returned $150K of the money allocated to his office back to the Treasury.

Murray: Pulled out the mailer and his reading glasses and read “at tax payers expense” and gave the Churchill joke about haggling over price to sleep with a woman.

Question 2: Directed at Murray, having lived in the 8th district less than 2 years, what makes him think he can represent us.

Murray: Started his response with a McCain-esque, “I was protecting our country” all that time but also mentioned that he lived in Alexandria for 8 years while serving at the State Department and Pentagon.

Moran: Quipped that US Congress is not an entry level position and that he spent 20 years in public service including being the mayor of Alexandria before even considering a run for Congress.

Question 3: This one got a little animated due to the person asking the question but among a yelling audience he finally asked, “do you believe in the Constitution and do you follow it?”

Moran: Yes

Murray: Yes, it is our owners manual.

The answers were short because the Civic Fed president basically invalidated the question due to the high drama.

Question 4: Directed at Murray, questioned his statement that Roe v Wade was the worst Supreme Court decision ever and what restrictions he would put on a woman’s privacy.

Murray: Started that this was not a critical issue on the minds of voters and that there are ways to work together to reduce the number of abortions (i.e. via adoption, etc). Ended with saying he was a federalist and that this issue should be handled at the state level.

Moran: Wants abortions to be safe, legal and affordable and the issue cannot be handled at the state level. Said the worst decision of the Supreme Court was Dredd Scott.

Closing Statements:

Moran: Talked about how he is able to steer earmarks, how he believes in the Federal govt and that he has seniority. Also added that due to his funding, Arlington has one of the fasted response times to fire and police calls.

Murray: Said the biggest threat to America is the national debt. Criticized Moran for being one of 15 congressmen to vote himself a raise and said if you’re happy with the way things are going then send Moran back to Congress for a 3rd decade.

Overall, Patrick Murray was on the offensive and sitting in the front row I could sense that Moran was somewhat agitated (partially due to the hecklers from the Murray crowd) but not on his game as I have seen him in the past.