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Glenn Nye (and oddly enough, the NRCC) miss the point

Obama's Stimulus Swindle
In his desperate attempt to avoid geting bounced by the voters of the 2nd District, Glenn Nye has even gone so far as to attempt time travel.

Nye would have us believe that he voted against the TARP fiasco. Trouble is, TARP was approved in October 2008, before Nye was elected. The NRCC also noticed that Nye himself repeatedly refused to take any position on it during the 2008 campaign.

Now, one will notice that I did not link to either Nye or the NRCC. That’s not just laziness here. Nye is clearly attempting to portray himself as a different kind of Democrat, while the NRCC are calling him a same-old, same-old. That’s all well and good, but surprisingly NRCC missed the big one: Nye’s vote for the Obama “stimulus.”

With all due respect to Nye (stop laughing, Mr. Kirwin!), all of his talk about being a different Democrat melts away on this one vote. Economists from John Taylor on down were exposing the arguments behind the stimulus as laughable nonsense even as the near-trillion-dollar fiasco was careening through Congress. Yet Nye voted for it, and thus is on the hook for every embarrassment it has spawned: the fake Congressional Districts [2], the checks to the deceased [3], the attempt to shackle Virginia with long-term spending obligations [4], and just about anything Joe Biden has said over the last two years.

All of this can be laid at the feet of stimulus backers; all 246 of them in the House were Democrats; one of them was Glenn Nye.

I can understand why Nye would want to avoid this issue. Why the NRCC is helping him out is a larger mystery. It should be mentioned in every single statement the Committee sends out between now and November, period.

Cross-posted to RWL [5]