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MSNBC: “Muslims – Seriously Not as Bad as Christians”

Keith Olbermann actually went as far as comparing America to Nazi Germany because an overwhelming majority thinks building a mosque at Ground Zero is a dumb idea.

Keith, a mosque at ground zero is a dumb idea.

These are the loons of the left that have spent most of my lifetime wanting to restrict Christians from praying at a football game, from mentioning God in a high school graduation speech, from having a nativity scene in a public place, from saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays,” and from having the 10 commandments anywhere near a place where someone might read them, like a courthouse.

All these years I thought the looney left was anti-religious. But it is my duty and responsibility as your correspondent here to admit when I was wrong. And, I was wrong.

Anti-Christian, but not anti-religious.

I think MSNBC stands for “Muslims – Seriously Not as Bad as Christians.” Listening to Olbermann’s attack on America and it’s clear how he attacks the splinter in Christianity’s eye while ignoring the Muslim plank in his own.

One of the leaders of the Ground Zero mosque construction offered this little comment:

“During a 2005 conference in Australia’s Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre, (Imam Feisal Abdul) Rauf had said, ‘We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaida has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.'”(T.O.I [1])

Sorry, that must’ve been taken out of context. I’d like to take his Mosque plans out of context, namely out of the context of Ground Zero.

If it was just jerks like Olbermann, it would be one thing. But jumping into the fray is no less than the President of the United States, who should have better things to do with the nation in economic turmoil electing him to change something a tad more crucial than a community center in New York.

I guess that’s the most we get from electing a community organizer.

But let’s make the broader point. Let’s start praying at football games across the country. Let’s put the 10 commandments up anywhere we please. Students, pray in school.

And let’s see if the left defends us as much as they defend Muslims at the World Trade Center.