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Democrat and failed Mayor gives finger to voter

African-American Democrat and Former Mayor of New York City, David Dinkins, attended the garish, insulting and downright offensive fundraiser held for corrupt, discredited and ethically-vapid Congressman Charlie Rangel.

And when average citizens protested [1]outside calling for Rangel’s registration, Dinkins flipped them his middle finger!

Where is the press? Where is the outrage? If any Republican elected official, past or present, went up to a liberal protester and flipped him the bird, headlines would scream!

And if some tea partier flipped off Dinkins, we’d have everyone from Barack Obama to Al Sharpton calling it racism.

But, no, Mayor Dinkins flipping off citizens? No problem.

Of course, Dinkins spent his one term as New York Mayor doing legislatively the same thing. He told the police not to do anything during a riot because “the community needed to vent.”

Dinkins most famous quote was, coincidentally about not paying taxes, “I haven’t committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law.”

That makes Dinkins’ support of tax-evading Charlie Rangel completely appropriate (well, appropriate for Democrats).

The fundraiser was filled with the usual suspects, like Chuck Shumer, who complained about Republican ethics problems. 13 ethics violations by Rangel don’t seem to phase Democrats.

Al Sharpton grabbed the microphone and claimed it was all the media’s fault.

Everyone should understand – these Democrats don’t care about you and me. They care about their own 40-year careers, their improper strongarming to rack in the dollars for themselves (or their wives, who find themselves on Boards of everything from banks to international conglomerates while hubby votes on their “regulations”), and when they are caught breaking the law, they flip you off for complaining about it.

Where is Glenn Nye? Where is Tom Perriello? Where is Bobby Scott? Where is Gerry Connolly?

Any Democratic Congressman who’d like to repudiate Dinkins’ dispicable behavior, email it to me (link to my email [2] is on the Contributor page). I’ll post it on Bearing Drift for all to see.

You know darn well that if a citizen flipped off Dinkins, this would be national news and your press releases would be flying.

I’ll be waiting