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Utilizing New Media Technologies in Campaigns

When one thinks of political campaigning, they usually think of utilizing earned media and relying on the grassroots to get the message out. However, with the advent of new media and social networks (such as Facebook and Twitter), political campaigns have been using this in addition to the grassroots to get their message out to a wider audience. The average internet user can now give to campaigns online through money bombs (which became successful in Rep. Ron Paul’s 2008 campaign for President [1]) and through other concerted efforts. For example, Rep. Paul’s Presidential campaign was funded almost solely by individual contributions and many were small donors.

Now, political online fundraising has evolved since 2008. While money bombs are still being used successfully by using Facebook and Twitter, campaigns and committees are still trying to perfect their strategies to broaden their donor base. For example, the 8th District Republican Committee has utilized Facebook and Twitter for their recent effort, Max Out to Murray! [2] Max Out to Murray! will allow the committee to give the maximum contribution allowed by law. For example, if 30 people give $100 each during the month of August, the committee will add $1,000 to make up the $4,000 needed to Max Out to Murray! By utilizing both PayPal and a new service called Wufoo [3], this will allow contributors to see how much the campaign is raising [4]. This is another way to Retire Jim Moran [5], who was recently voted the Worst Member of Congress by Washingtonian Magazine.

As technology continues to grow, we are beginning to see other campaigns adopt new strategies for fundraising. Chuck DeVore, who ran for U.S. Senate in California and lost, used several new media technologies in his quest for the nomination. Even though, he was not successful, the campaign brought fundraising to a new level by using iPhone apps [6] to connect volunteers with opportunities and being one of the first candidates to utilize Twitter for cultivating small donors.

It will be interesting to see how new media technologies will continue to advance in future political campaigns. Some of these technologies are free and with the right talent behind the creation and implementation, they could possibly make a difference between winning or losing a campaign.