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Cantor job fair includes businesses that used the stimulus. Do we care?

Liberal blog “Think Progress” is pointing out that several area employers that attended a recent job fair [1] sponsored by one of the economic stimulus’ biggest critics, Republican Whip Eric Cantor [2], have received millions of dollars in stimulus money [3].

Obviously, the folks at Think Progress are trying to paint Cantor as a hypocrite.

The question is a red herring because obviously liberals would want those business who received stimulus money to economically grow. Are they now so dysfunctional that they want those employers boycotted?

But this brings up another, more philosophical discussion for conservatives: Is it counterproductive to boycott businesses that “took the money” or is it ideologically puritan?

Perhaps Cantor just recognizes what everyone else does – the actual stimulus has failed so he has to hold a job fair to help jump start the economy on his own.