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Townhall Magazine Includes McDonnell in “The 100 Americans the Left Hates Most”

Virginia’s Governor is making a splash across the country in more ways than one. In their July 2010 issue, Townhall Magazine compiled a list of the “100 Americans the Left Hates Most” [1]. And our Governor rings in as #47. He made the top half of the list!

What do you think? Do you agree that Bob McDonnell is so hated? According to the explanation in Townhall Magazine:

After Virginia voted for President Obama during the 2008 election, it was an uphill battle for GOPers to reclaim the traditionally red state. The efficient and effective campaign of Bob McDonnell beat the odds
and rode the wave of political discontent to victory by a huge margin. His gubernatorial victory in Virginia marked the beginning of a conservative political resurgence.

Is this enough to warrant his entry into the top 50 Americans the Left Hates Most? Was it McDonnell’s brilliant campaigning that won the day, or was it a reaction to the growing dissatisfaction with Obama/Pelosi/Reid policies that is returning Virginia to her conservative roots? Does the left so revile him because of the threat he brings to their erstwhile toehold in Virginia’s government?

McDonnell has tried to build a reputation for reaching across the aisle and working in a bipartisan manner to find solutions to Virginia’s problems. Although some may see his priorities as being particularly partisan, he has focused on jobs and economic development – an argument to which it would be difficult to find opposition on either side. He’s for both traditional and renewable sources of energy. He softens his stance on controversial issues. And more than a few rumors are circulating about a potential national run.

So, is Governor McDonnell that controversial and polarizing? Does he split the electorate to the same extreme as our outspoken AG, for instance? What do you think?