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Blue Virginia rips off Bearing Drift

We all know liberals are unimaginative and often hypocritical (i.e. criticizing the tea party movement at every turn even after their failed and utterly unoriginal “coffee parties”) but there for the most part there has been professional courtesy in the Virginia political blogosphere. That is why it is pretty sad that Lowell Feld over at Blue Virginia would steal a picture from the hard working patriots here at Bearing Drift. Notice the picture of Pat Herrity, Keith Fimian, and a lightning bolt in his latest drivel:


I noticed it right away because I was the one who created it, using pictures of candidates that each campaign had given us permission to use. It was featured in this story on June 3rd.:


(Picture is a bit cut off, but you can see it. Full photo is here [3])

It’s pretty funny that Lowell’s self-proclaimed awesomeness and his constant attempts to diminish Bearing Drift don’t stop him from stealing our work.

Maybe it’s a minor matter or perhaps it’s something more. Maybe it’s indicative of the whole liberal movement, if “movement” is an accurate word for something that really only amounts to annoying chatter on extremist websites like Blue Virginia, Daily Kos, and the Huffington Post.

Liberals, by nature, do not have original ideas. They use the same tired ideology that failed with FDR and the New Deal and is failing President Obama as he drives our country towards bankruptcy. That unoriginality takes form on every level: from major public policy decisions to the simplest of blog posts.

The irony in this that the post in question ridicules the tea party movement for attempting to drive out liberals in the Republican Party while ignoring that their own blind allegiance to the Democratic Party is exactly why the American people are fleeing to the right.

Obamabots like Lowell will follow their leadership off a cliff before stopping to ask, “maybe this isn’t what I want from my party?”

Or perhaps I’m just overreacting and stealing a picture is nothing more than a low class move by someone who lacks an ounce of professionalism.