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Ben Loyola thanks supporters

The day after the Republican Primary, Ben Loyola sent this final message which we print in its entirety:

Thank You
Last night, I congratulated Scott Rigell on his victory in the Republican Primary and pledged my support in defeating Glenn Nye in November. I entered this race to fight the Obama agenda, defeat Glenn Nye, and help return the Congress to a Republican majority.

Our second place showing was a strong outpouring of support, and we worked as hard as we could to win, but it was not to be. I will be forever grateful to the thousands of supporters who honored me with their trust and vote, from Tea Party activists to military retirees to families struggling in this economy to young people hoping for a brighter start to their futures.

I enjoyed every event, every debate, every parade, every phone call, every email. I’ve met so many great Americans through this process that I can’t consider myself anything less than a winner.

Now with the primary contest behind us, lets join together to support Scott Rigell. I’ll be working to help gain a Republican majority in Congress this fall.

I know some are disappointed in the result, but I remember when Ronald Reagan first ran for the Presidency in 1976 and fell short. Some were tempted to turn their backs on the party.

Reagan ended all talk of splitting the party and reunited us with these words calling for a revitalized Republican Party:

“Rather than a third party, we can have a new first party made up of people who share our principles… The New Republican Party I envision will not be, and cannot, be one limited to the country club-big business image that, for reasons both fair and unfair, it is burdened with today. The New Republican Party I am speaking about is going to have room for the man and the woman in the factories, for the farmer, for the cop on the beat and the millions of Americans who may never have thought of joining our party before, but whose interests coincide with those represented by principled Republicanism.”

Now is no time for division and acrimony. I truly believe that the Republican Party is the greatest hope for the promises of freedom and prosperity that are the birthright of Americans.

We are united by so much more than things that divide us. Our love of the Constitution, our respect for freedom, and passion for the Founders’ vision of a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people – these are the foundation of my campaign and our mission.

And our mission now is to elect Scott Rigell to Congress.

I thank you for all your support, prayers and votes during my campaign. I’m proud of how I conducted my campaign, and of all the work of so many volunteers and supporters. My best wishes to all of the candidates who ran such good campaigns and fought so hard for their beliefs. We’ll always have the bond of competition among us.

God bless all of you and Godspeed to victory in November.