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Open Thread on VA-05!

By request [1], here is your open thread on VA-05.  To make it more interesting, we’re going to hold a bit of a contest.  I’ll go first:

Winner: 42%
Candidate #2: 18%
Candidate #3: 13%
Candidate #4 12%
Candidate #5: 9%
Candidate #6: 3%
Candidate #7: 3%

Also, indicate whether you’re willing to support the eventual nominee regardless (my answer: YES).

So now you too can give an honest breakdown of how VA-05 is going to go on Tuesday, regardless of whom you are supporting!

Person who gets the closest gets… well, I’ll buy them a drink. Or we’ll have them on the podcast so they can explain how awesome they are to the rest of the class!

(DISCLAIMER:  I’ve endorsed Feda Morton in the 5th District.  I also endorse pipe tobacco, Yuengling Beer, Glenfiddich scotch, and the Baltimore Orioles.  Also — apologies for the really ugly header, just in case anyone chooses to lose perspective as to who the real opposition is.)