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(Updated – 3:30 p.m.) Loyola receives Tea Party and Virginia Beach Taxpayer Alliance Endorsement

Ben Loyola [1], candidate for the 2nd Congressional District Republican Nomination, has received the endorsement of the Hampton Roads Tea Party today and will receive the Virginia Beach Taxpayer Alliance soon (according to sources).

“After thoroughly and thoughtfully evaluating the GOP candidates vying for the Second District nod the Board has decided to make a clear declaration of its support for Mr. Loyola,” said HRTP Founder and Chairperson Karen Miner Hurd. “As the Board of Directors of the Hampton Roads Tea Party, we felt an obligation and a responsibility to take an informed stand in a very crowded candidate field. By endorsing Ben Loyola, we don’t presume to speak FOR our members, but rather TO our members….We feel very strongly that the ‘Republican political machine’ in Hampton Roads needs to be defeated.”

Loyola responded to the news by saying:

“The campaign begins today,” said Ben Loyola of the primary race that will culminate on June 8th. “The Tea Party has been the center of gravity in American politics, especially in primaries, and this endorsement means we have essentially a two-person race, and a choice between yesterday’s establishment candidates and candidates who will fight for real change in Washington.”

Loyola is currently trailing front-runner Scott Rigell by a large margin in a wide field of six candidates.

According to a poll released [2] by the Rigell campaign yesterday, Loyola has a favorable rating of 21% and is polling at 6% of voters. Contrasted to Rigell who is at 47%.

Updates to follow as we learn why these two organizations provided the endorsements. The Loyola campaign has yet to comment.