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Crist dumps GOP

What the hell is going on?

After pictures surfaced of a now-famous Obama hug, Florida Governor Charlie Crist drops 30 points in a primary contest and drops out to run as an independent?

Not without precedent. There’s a Senator named Lieberman who got whupped in a primary by lefty-loved Ned Lamont. Lieberman now serves as an (I) and is doing quite well, thank you.

Of course, this is after the famed New York Congressional race in the 23rd where the Republican dropped out to endorse the Democrat and helped defeat the Conservative Party candidate.

We are in the midst of a wave that quite conceivably could be the most tumultuous in my lifetime. Voters are pretty independently making decisions that those in the power apparatus seem quite incapable of controlling.

Is Obama so toxic that a hug decimates a political campaign? Are voters so opposed to both parties, that they’re more willing than ever to vote for an Independent and ditch Rs and Ds?

Crist was hardly unpopular. Was it “presumptive nominee” backlash? Some anti-pseudoincumbency?.

I’ve spent a great deal of time on the phone with some Florida political folks who are very confident that Crist in a General Election is unbeatable in Florida. We’ll see.

But I haven’t seen the ground this fluid and unstable …..ever.