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Democrats hypocrites on racial profiling

Racial profiling must be indefensible. Democrats say it is. It must especially be indefensible in Arizona, where illegal aliens have crossed the border to the extent that it just passed a law saying that illegal immigration is illegal.

And the Dems are having a cow!

Police can ask people to produce identification, and Democrats act as if Hitler just became governor. Producing identification only happens in the rarest of situations, apparently, like buying a beer, writing a check, using a credit card, or going too fast on the highway. Do state troopers say “Vet me zee yur paperz” asking for a license and registration?

Here’s the funny part! You can say one word to a Democrat and all of a sudden they become stanch defenders of racial profiling.

It’s true. Suddenly they put away all their contrived fear in protecting folks who broke the law and suddenly tout the virtue and value of racial profiling.

The census.

If the Democrats would want at least a touch of consistency (which is the first step on the way to sanity, in case they are interested), they’d say “Hey, if we want to stop government from identifying people according to race, maybe government should stop identifying people by race.”

But no! When it comes to whatever the government uses the census for, they very much want to define people by race. Democrats applaud it. They defend it.

But if Arizona thinks of using it to decide if someone might be illegally here, or if airline security wants to do more than flip a coin to decide who is more likely to blow up a plane, Grandma Elizabeth or Mohamed Atta al Sayed, the left goes nuts.

Democrats can use race to target government spending, to draw districts, or to ID voters all day long. It’s ok for them. Anyone else does it and the attacks come flying.

So Democrats are in a conundrum. If they really want to fight racial profiling, the first step in their recovery would be to stop using it themselves.