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[Updated] Glenn Nye Announces Carrier Move Delayed Until 2019…Or Is it?

[Update: April 22, 2010] The Florida Congressional delegation is calling foul, and repudiating Nye. The following was issued:


WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ander Crenshaw today (4/22) issued the following statement regarding homeporting a nuclear aircraft carrier at Naval Station Mayport:

“Congressman Nye was swept into office with President Obama. Now in the political fight of his life, he is saying whatever he thinks will get him more votes, whether it’s grounded in fantasy or reality. He’s is scrambling the dates to try and achieve his own political goals.

“A high-ranking Navy official told me this morning that the schedule to homeport a nuclear aircraft at Naval Station Mayport remains the same as it did a year and a half ago when the final Record of Decision was signed. Nothing has changed.

“The Navy presented Congressman Nye with the same information that has been provided to everyone else. There is nothing new here.

“A 2019 homeport date is a worst case scenario and would only occur if each and every step of the process took the longest amount of time possible. Frankly, the Navy would do it faster if there were more money. We know that homeporting a carrier at Mayport remains a top priority for the Navy and is in the best strategic interest of our nation.

“The dredging and pier improvements now underway underscore that bringing a carrier on the First Coast is not a plan on paper. It’s a reality that will happen sooner rather than later.”

Is Glenn Nye just trying to score political points? A source in Washington has talked to numerous individuals on the Florida delegation, including Senator Bill Nelson, who emphasizes that an adjusted timetable has not been discussed and as of right now nothing has changed.

The Virginian-Pilot is reporting tonight [1] that Glenn Nye has been notified by Naval leaders that a move of a carrier from Norfolk Naval Base to Mayport, Florida will be delayed by 5 years, from 2014 to 2019. The additional timeline will give the Hampton Roads and Virgina Congressional delegations additional time to hammer their argument against the proposed, unfunded move and new life at getting the plan reversed or de-funded.

Combine Nye’s ‘No’ on health care and cap-and-trade as well as this (you know he’ll be taking credit), and whoever the Republican nominee turns out to be is gonna find out the path to victory just got a whole lot more steep.